
What is honey granulation (crystallization or sugaring)?

A big misconception is that, when honey crystallizes, it has gone bad. Not true. Honey does not spoil. In fact, it’s actually a sign of real, quality honey.

Granulation is a natural characteristic of pure honey, which does not harm it or indicate any deterioration of the honey. It is also easily reversed, without harming the honey. Bring a pan of water to a boil, turn off the heat and place the container into this boiling water. Leave until both have cooled.

If you want to prevent granulation, try this.

When buying honey in large containers, pour a manageable amount into a smaller “table server” for your table. Store the remainder in the large container in your freezer. Freezer temperatures are too low for glucose molecules to migrate and form crystals. As the table server empties, remove the large container from the freezer long enough for it to warm so you can refill the smaller container. Then replace the large container in the freezer.

Note: Before you pour more honey into your table server, be certain it contains no crystals. These act as ‘seeds’ for the new honey to granulate around – a condition which will speed up granulation.

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