Sun’s Out
Nothing compares to a freshly brewed batch of honey sun tea
It’s a familiar sight on porches and backyard decks when sunshine fills the afternoon sky in spring and summer: glass sun-tea jars with fresh tea brewing inside. And nothing says summer like a fresh glass of sun tea with SUE BEE® INFUSIONS™ Lemon Honey.
It’s a simple recipe – water, tea and honey. But we still have a few tips to make your sun tea as tasty as can be.

3 Tips to Brewing the Perfect Honey Sun Tea.
The Tea – There is plenty of flexibility on what kind of tea to use for sun tea: regular tea, green tea, black tea, herbal tea, and so on. (The beauty of sun tea is that they ALL taste great when you pair them with SUE BEE® INFUSIONS™ Lemon Honey, so go with your favorite.) Depending on how strong you like your tea, use 8 to 10 regular-sized tea bags per gallon (4 quarts) of water.
Glass vs. Plastic Jars – We prefer glass because it allows for sunlight to start the oxygenation process that eventually brews the tea. Plus, plastic can alter the flavor of the tea.
Placing Your Jar – We like to begin with water at room temperature – not too hot, not too cold. Then, place your container in direct sunlight. There’s a sweet spot for brewing between 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 hours, depending on how hot the sun is that day. Too short and the tea won’t have time to stew. Too long and you can over-brew the tea. Find the sweet spot.
After your tea is sun brewed, bring it inside and add SUE BEE® INFUSIONS™ Lemon Honey. Add 1 cup of honey per gallon (4 quarts) of tea. Stir well and enjoy over ice. Refrigerate what’s left over.